Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Act:
VollPlan OG
Paradisgasse 40/6/9
1190 Wien
Object of the company: product, strategy, concept development and consulting of events and mediation of partnerships for execution
UID number: ATU72856019
Company register number: 457081 d
Commercial register court: Commercial court Vienna
Company headquarters: Vienna
Tel.: +43 676 9710735
Member of: WKO, Landesinnung
Professional law: Trade regulations:
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Magistrate of the City of Vienna, MBA 18/19
Job title: Organization of events, markets and fairs
State of award: Austria
Authorized partners:
Mag. Martin Sindelar, Dipl. Theol. Otmar Spanner
Photo credit:
The pictures, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.
The image rights belong to the company:
VollPlan OG